Sunday, January 26, 2014

How have I not been here?

Well my Avatar is 6 days old, and I feel like she is on fire! When I initially set up my accounts and explored on my own my reaction was "meh." Then I met Esme and as soon as she was there it was so exciting! We were actually connecting. I felt the presence of Esme and then Tdobs and Norana were there and it was amazing. I was able to participate with my classmates in this Virtual World and the words of Jane McGonigal started to flood my mind. How have I not been here?

Exploring, sharing information, feedback and the accomplishments make this a powerful experience, and I am only 6 days old! I am finding myself sneaking on for what I think will be a moment, and an hour passes in what feels like an instant. I am so excited to continue this journey. I am already thinking about how this would translate into the classroom.